Friday, January 18, 2013

Do you believe that ALL issues stem from an unhealthy self-esteem ...

I was recently reading William Hewitt's book, Hypnosis for Beginners. In it he says;

"A few years ago I stopped doing hypnosis specifically for diet control, smoking, or phobias. I began dealing only with self-image improvement and handling of stress. I find these two items to be at the root of all problems. Of course, I may put in a suggestion or two about not smoking, or regulating appetite, but my main thrust is self-image improvement and/or stress control. I find that when one's self-image is healthy and balanced, problems go away or are handled satisfactorily."

Louise Hay says, "The innermost belief for everyone I have worked with is always I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH." (I just found out that her book, You Can Heal Your Life, has so far sold 50 million copies worldwide.)

Maxwell Maltz says the same thing in Psycho-Cybernetics.

A Course in Miracles says that "all disease comes from a state of unforgiveness."

In my opinion, unforgiveness is self-criticism, as is all judgement. We can only judge and criticise from our own perspective, and it is the perspective itself that is actually being judged. All judgement causes stress, as a direct result of this criticism/judgement/unforgiveness. Thus, all stress and disease comes from a state of unforgiveness, as the Course says.

If these theories are correct, it makes the job of the hypnosis practitioner a whole lot easier.

What do you think?


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