Saturday, December 1, 2012

Effective Skin Care For Women ? Simple And Instant Skin Care Tips

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Instant Skin CareThe most precious thing for human beings is the body they live in which is the ultimate gift from God being absolutely irreplaceable. We all wish to own a fabulous and slim body along with beautiful looks but we often forget to take care of our skin which happens to be a very vital part of our body.?Flawless and clear skin isn?t very hard to achieve and maintain, and a persons who can do so can be rest assured that people will notice them twice wherever they go.

With a change in season, a woman needs to change the way she takes care of her skin by applying face creams in winters, less makeup in summers and so on. The skin is very sensitive in nature and the slightest of damage caused to it may have long lasting and permanent effect on it. It is good to know that with a little bit of basic care and gentle cleansing on a regular basis, healthy and glowing skin can be achieved for years to come.

It is not necessary to stand hours in front of the mirror, apply various types of skin whitening or softening creams along with scrubs, packs and other such products in order to attain good looking skin. By just keeping in mind some easy and effective skin care tips which are mentioned below and are very simple to put into effect, a woman can attain the impossible; that is flawless younger looking skin.

Instant Skin Care Tips for Woman

Protect Yourself from Direct Sunlight

The Sun is a very essential part of our existence but it can cause a lot of damage to our skin. During our whole lifetime, the skin gets exposed to a lot of harmful rays of the sun which can make the skin tan, wrinkle and develop age spots earlier than they should.

In order to protect your skin from the sun a woman should apply a good sunscreen lotion whenever she steps out of the house and try to avoid the sun during the afternoon as it is at this point of time that the ray?s of the sun are strongest and most harmful. When out in the sun, it is advisable to wear full sleeve shirts and tops along with long pants. Hats or caps are always welcome.

Quit Smoking

Smoking can prove hazardous not only for your lungs and health in general but also for your skin. A person, who smokes, develops wrinkles at an earlier age when compared to non-smokers, which may result in older looking skin.

Simple And Instant Skin Care Tips

The blood flowing under the skin moves at a slower level in the body of a non-smoker as smoking can narrow down the blood vessels flowing in our body. The skin is thus unable to receive oxygen. The skin also loses its strength and elasticity.

Green Tea

Green Tea is said to have anti-inflammatory properties which help prevent collagen from getting destructed which is the key factor in making your skin look younger and healthier. Consuming iced green tea is a better option as heat can worsen skin problems and redden it.

Use less make-up with an Appropriate Cleanser

Heavy make-up on a regular basis can harm your skin to a great extent, making it dry itchy. It is advisable to go for a light make-up and use an appropriate cleanser which suits your skin best.

Skin Care Tips

It is very important to remember to clean the entire make up at night before going off to sleep. Also, the face wash that one generally uses for the skin should not contain soap as this will help you retain the moisture of the skin.

Be gentle with your Skin

It may come as a surprise but all the everyday cleaning and washing that we make our skin experience, has its effects in the long run. A female should avoid taking long baths and use a mild and gentle soap for every day cleansing. Use warm instead of hot water as this can remove oil from your body.

After a shower, one should dry their skin in such a way that a little bit of moisture remains on the skin to be absorbed later. Also a moisturizer which contains SPF should be applied on the skin depending on your skin type. You need to be very careful when shaving. Applying a shaving gel cream before shaving helps protect the skin to a great extent.

Also Read

Natural Skin Care For Dull Complexion
7 Tips For Skin Care The Natural Way
Top Skin Care Tips
Beauty Skin Care
Skin Care Tips And Remedies

Intake Healthy and Nutritious Food Items

In order to look healthy, it is very important to eat healthy. Every woman should include a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, dals and whole grains in their diet on a regular basis as these replenish your skin with basic nutrients making it look younger and spot free.

Skin Care for Women

Green leafy vegetables and fresh juices supply Vitamin C to the skin. It is advisable to eat oranges every day as nothing works better than this fruit when it comes to making your skin glow.

Don?t take Stress

Taking too much stress can have its side effects, not only on the person?s well being but also on the body and the skin. High stress levels increase the production of a certain hormone which can make the skin oilier, reducing the immune system?s power to fight. Techniques like yoga and meditation must be undertaken for a stress-free life.

Sleep Well

Effective Skin Care For Women

It is very necessary to sleep well for a minimum of 8 hours every night. When a person is asleep, the skin activates its repair mechanism. Also sleep reduces stress and anxieties, making the skin relax and rejuvenate.

Keep your Medicines in Check

It may be known to very few people that the medicines they consume not only effect their stomach and liver but also cause harm to their skin. Certain antibiotics, anti-depressants and medications can make you skin vulnerable and weak, exposing it to all types of damage.

People applying a whole lot of creams, gels and lotions for younger and smoother looking skin should try the above mentioned simple yet effective techniques which will surely help your skin gain that young, glowing and shiny look, you have longed for. Using various creams and lotions will not only make your skin dry but may have a reverse effect on the skin making it dull, wrinkled and rough.

Simple And Instant Skin Care Tips, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating


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