Monday, April 2, 2012

Womens Self Defence Tips

It is not unknown to many that women are mostly the targets of crime and domestic violence all over the world. Women are considered to be easy preys by criminals because they are not as physically strong as men and could be easily overpowered. Staying safe at all times does not have to be impossible. With basic self defence knowledge, you can live your life without ever becoming a target or a victim of crooks. With this, let me share to you some basic self defence tips that I?m sure a lot of women could benefit from.

1. Avoid going out alone, especially at night. You are less likely to be attacked when you have a companion. Most attacks happen at night so if you have to go out, bring someone along with you.

2. Walk with confidence. Never ever walk with your head down. You must be alert and aware of what?s happening to your surroundings so you can prepare yourself if someone is about to attack you. Always be observant of your environment.

3. If you really have to go out at night alone, make sure to walk on well lit areas and as much as possible, avoid walking in areas such as dark alleys, deserted places and dark narrow streets.

4. Take up self defence classes. If you are looking for a great place to learn self defence and basic combat techniques, then you might want to take up Muay Thai classes. What?s good about Muay Thai is that there?s no need for any weapon to defend yourself. You can defend yourself merely by using your body parts such as your elbows, knees, hands and feet.

5. Carry self defence products with you. Self defence weapons could be helpful in giving you the opportunity to escape and seek help. Pepper sprays, stun guns, taser guns and knives are some of the most popular self defence products sold in the market today.

6. Crooks are getting smarter and smarter these days. They can get inside your vehicle without you even knowing it so before getting inside the car, check the backseat to make sure that no one?s hiding in it.

7. Ready your car keys even before going to the parking lot. As much as possible avoid searching for your keys on your bag right beside your car because that could be a perfect scenario for an attacker to attack.

8. Use your common sense and intuition at all times. If you think or feel that you?re in danger then you must act upon it right away.

In search of a good Muay Thai trainer? Heart Start Fitness offers personal Muay Thai training and basic womens self defence for all ages. Build your self confidence, learn new skills and have fun while getting fit at Heart Start Fitness.

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