Sunday, March 24, 2013

Higher college tuition approved for Conn.

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -- Connecticut's state universities are increasing tuition and fees for nearly 100,000 students.

The Board of Regents for Higher Education approved the increase Thursday. Chairman Lewis Robinson said it's "a difficult decision, and we don't make it lightly." The board governs four state universities, 12 community colleges and Charter Oak State College.

For instate students living on-campus at universities, tuition and fees increase next year by 4.1 percent, to $778, or $19,897 a year.

In-state tuition at Charter Oak State College was increased by $13 per credit, to $258, and fees increased $9 per semester to $180.

Community colleges will charge 5.25 percent more, $188 for full-time students, to $3,786 a year.

The board's finance committee recommended the increases last week.

Schools must set aside 15 percent of tuition for financial aid, so more will be available.


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