Monday, March 25, 2013

Faith Hope & Blessings: Thoughts on Engagements

As I was driving today, I started thinking about engagements.? The act of proposing and what you?re really saying.? I don?t like admitting it, but I?ve been proposed to 3 times.? And looking back, the proposal itself was kind of an interesting indication of how the relationship would go.? This was especially true the first time and the last time.?

I feel like engagements, just like many relationships, have become a joke.? It?s like ?just the next step?.? But really, it isn?t.? When you propose to someone, you are promising to marry them.? I feel that proposals should be taken as seriously as marriage (and I also believe that marriages today need a good overhaulin? too!)? If the girl?s dad would like it if you?d ask his permission first, do it.? Not that hard of a step, right?? (As many of you guys are shivering in your boots.? Sorry, it may be a harder step for some of you.)? But I do feel like if that?s a step that should be taken, then it helps you recognize the seriousness of the commitment that you are entering into.

Most girls dream of getting married someday.? We like looking at the ?shineys? and the ?prettys? and just dreaming.? That?s called being a girl!? That doesn?t mean that you should take that as a sign to get engaged.? Yeah, we may want it, but the real question is, is your relationship ready for that kind of commitment?? Before Forest and I considered getting engaged, we talked A LOT.? We both believed that just because we had a child, that wasn?t a valid reason to get married if we were not meant to be.? (Common mistake I feel that many make!? Just because you made one mistake, doesn?t meant that you need to make another mistake to try to make the first mistake right.)? Some of the talks that we had were kind of harshly honest.? We knew there were things that we disagreed on and there things that we both knew we needed work on in our own separate lives.? And eventually, over time, we began to feel that this was a step that our relationship was ready for and a promise that we were ready to make.? Is our relationship perfect?? No.? But we?re both willing to work on it.? Yes, we?ll fight here and there, but at the end of the day, we can talk things out and not be afraid to admit that we need to work on things.

I guess my main reason for writing up these thoughts is, I REALLY want to encourage you guys out there to remember engagement isn?t just another step.? It isn?t something that you should feel pressured into doing if you?re not ready.? It is something that you and significant other should sit down and really discuss.? If you have ANY doubts about spending the rest of your life with your significant other, then engagement is not what you need to be thinking about.? Girls, I know we all dream about our fairy tale day, but divorce is one UGLY nightmare.? Make sure the fairy tale you?re creating has a happy ending.?


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