Monday, February 11, 2013

Feng Shui Enhancements ? Year of the Water Snake

Posted on 09. Feb, 2013 by admin in Feng Shui Tips

Water Snake 2013 300x184 Feng Shui Enhancements   Year of the Water Snake

Sunday February 10th sees the start of the new lunar year of the Water Snake. In London there is a huge celebration planned, likely to be the biggest new year celebrations outside of China. This year I can?t travel in to central London to watch as I have a prior engagement but if the celebrations are anything like last year anyone who does manage to attend will be treated to some wonderful sights, sounds and smells. If you are attending this, or any other new year celebration, I hope you have a great time.

?The shifting energies as we wave goodbye to the Water Dragon and welcome in the Water Snake lead to great opportunities to enhance the Feng Shui in our homes to bring about positive change. Water Snake years can be volatile and we can expect a roller coaster ride around the world but they also offer us some wonderful opportunities to enhance our career and financial fortunes. Before we look at how we can make the most of this Water Snake year let us look at what this year is likely to bring across the world in general.

Water Snakes mix high yin with rising yang so can be unpredictable. Expect the unexpected this year. On a positive note there is likely to be a renewed sense of optimism and people are going to feel happier and more confident about the future. This optimism is not misplaced, world fortunes will improve after the last few years of recession, but there are likely to be a few blips before we see a steady and sustained period of growth.

In politics this is a year for charismatic leaders. At least one country will gain a new leader who appears to have come from nowhere with promises of change and growth. Although his words, and yes I believe this leader will be a man, sound exciting and refreshing he is unlikely to follow up on his promises meaning that he may not be in power for long. It could well be a year for empty words and we can expect quite a few of the most powerful leaders in the world making promises that they cannot keep. In saying that one long standing conflict will be resolved and an uneasy truce called after intervention by a powerful third party who does deliver that which is promised.

Financial markets will improve this year but it will be an up and down year where fortunes can be won and lost daily. Short term traders will do well as markets will be volatile. Those saving in the long term need to hang in there and try and ignore the dips. There will be many dips this year but they are only short term. Successful companies will be those who are in the financial, building and research sectors, mining and energy companies may not fare so well. Asian markets are likely to do better than those in Europe and the US.

This year could be a good year for knowledge, learning and research and there could well be a medical breakthrough that could bring major advancements in curing a disease or long standing problem. This breakthrough will benefit millions. There will also be a continued focus on new technologies, although at least one high profile launch may not go as planned and a new invention may be hit by problems.

Looking at the less positive aspects of the Water Snake year there is a high likelihood of unpredictable weather with severe storms and tornadoes hitting the USA. Now I know that this is not unusual but this year we may well see storms that are more powerful than normal. We could also see a major earthquake in the west, possibly in the first few months of the year. Terrorist activity could increase and although as I have said a long standing conflict may well be resolved new conflicts will unfortunately start, possibly where they are not expected.

Turning our attention now to more personal matters, the year of the Water Snake rewards those who work hard and are prepared to put in the hours to gain the success that they want. Water Snake years are especially good for increasing wealth and business fortunes so let us look at how we can make the most of the year by enhancing the energy in our home with Feng Shui cures

Feng Shui Enhancements for the year of the Water Snake

To enhance career fortunes place a large mirror in a room in the north of your home, or on the north wall of your home office. Balance the yin of water with the yang snake by ensuring your mirror has a solid wooden frame.

The Water Snake likes to shout about it?s success, even if it has to be said, if there isn?t an awful lot to shout about. If you want to ensure that you have career success this year make sure that you place any symbols of your success prominently in the north of your home. Certificates of merit, awards, objects that you have bought to celebrate an achievement should be placed where they can easily be seen.

Increase the opportunities to attract wealth to your home by installing a moving water feature at the front of your home or in the entrance hall. If you haven?t got the space for a small fountain consider placing a small aquarium in your hall or living room.

Stimulate wealth energy by hanging a clear quartz crystal by your front door. Crystals make excellent Feng Shui enhancements and can be used in many ways. Place bowls of crystals on tables, scatter crystals around the base of plants or wear them around the wrist and neck. Good crystals for the year of the Water Snake are Smoky Quartz, Lapis Lazuli and Turquoise.

Celebrate the year of the Water Snake by buying a snake ornament. Crystal or glass snakes should be placed in the north or south east sectors of your home, your home office or your living room. The ornament will serve as a perfect reminder of how you will reap dividends from your hard work this year and if you focus on it whilst meditating it may well provide you with new ideas and inspiration for money making schemes.

To end with a note of caution, the Water Snake is a very volatile creature. It rewards hard work and dedication but can penalise those who do not think ideas through. It is a great year to start or expand a business, get a new job and find new sources of income but do your research, plan carefully and make your move only when you are sure of success. The Water Snake can be a powerful ally but a fickle friend.



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