Saturday, July 21, 2012

Just a reminder? TO ME! ?

I read an article on Real Age online about some things that could be contributing in a person?s struggle to lose weight.? I find them also very helpful for weight loss surgery patients.? I want to lose some more weight.? So I needed to re-evaluate what I had been doing correctly and what bad habits I was falling back into.? I hate it when I have to look myself over with a more critical eye.? I am already pretty tough on me as it is.? But look my habits over and realized that I was falling back into some bad patterns.? I don?t want to regain any of the weight I have lost but if I had not taken inventory I am sure I would have.

1. Mindless Eating

When I first had gastric bypass surgery on May 12, 2008 ? I couldn?t eat very much.? In fact I didn?t have an appetite at all.? I had to train myself to eat.? Before surgery I was an undiagnosed diabetic and after I started losing weight I was having sugar issues again.? The difference after surgery is that my sugar was now low.? So in speaking with Robin and Dr Glembot at one of my follow up visits they suggested I eat 5 to 6 small meals a day.? So I developed the habit of eating a ?meal? every two hours.? Now this meal could be a piece of cheese or some cucumbers and low fat dip.? But I was consistently eating every two to three hours and my sugar was staying within a normal range.? ??Now that I have lost 220 + pounds and my sugar has stabilized I don?t need to do that anymore.? But my brain was so used to telling me to eat I began to pick up those grazing habits again.? I was probably consuming too many calories even with eating small snacks.? How do I correct this going back to keeping a food journal and track EVERYTHING.? Even the two small chocolate covered pretzels that my boss offered me out of her Snack Wells? 100 calorie bag? Journaling is a small habit that can definitely assist in weight loss or maintaining weight loss.

2. Stress

Oh yeah? I have that.? Who doesn?t?? But stress may be hindering my weight loss. That?s because a body releases the hormone cortisol when stressed, which makes ME crave fatty, sugary foods that promote weight gain. I do what I can to alleviate stress.? Not always successful but I do try to de-stress every day.? I figure the less I stress, the less I will crave and less chance I will medicate myself with food.

3. ?Healthy? Food

You?d think food labeled ?healthy? or ?low calorie? would be a WLS patient?s best friend. Not really, says Brian Wansink, Ph.D., of the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University. ?Low-calorie restaurant and fast-food offerings have a ?health halo? that leads diners to underestimate the calories in healthy entrees and ?reward? themselves by ordering high-calorie sides and drinks. The result? They gobble almost 45% more calories than they think. People also routinely underestimate the calories in food labeled ?organic? by up to 40%.? ?It takes me longer to grocery shop now because I check nutrition info, if it?s available. If it isn?t, I estimate the calorie count and double it and 9 times out of ten if there isn?t a label ? such as a restaurant menu ? I simply don?t order it.

4. Clever Food Marketing

Clever food marketing can trick not just those of us who are WLS patients but anyone who is health conscious into eating all kinds of junk food: ?fruit chews? that are really gummy bears, calorie-laden milkshakes masquerading as smoothies and protein drinks, and veggie chips that have as many (or more!) calories as regular potato chips. CHECK THE NUTRITION LABELS!!!!!!

5. Individually Wrapped Snacks and Candy

Individually wrapped snacks or candy seem like healthy portion control made easy, right? Wrong. According to a recent study ? people are prone to eat more candy when it?s individually wrapped because they give up control when they spy a small package, says researcher Jennifer Argo, of the University of Alberta. Once again ? REAL THE NUTRITION LABEL.? Does anyone else spot a pattern here???? I know that sometimes I can?t resist those cute little packages so I just avoid them entirely!

6. Poor Sleep

Who would have thought that skimping on sleep can sabotage my weight loss efforts. It throws off key appetite-regulating hormones, so I?m more likely to overeat. Did you know that chronic insomnia boosts the risk of diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes. ?

I try to get at least 6to 8 hours of sleep a night.? Not always easy but I have chosen that as a daily goal to help me continue to make healthy choices when it comes to either losing or maintaining my weight.

7. Eating Out

?Americans now eat a third of their meals away from home, according to USDA research.?? I get it.? We are all living a fast paced lifestyle to keep up with everything we have going on.? But unfortunately, if I eat out a lot, my calorie intake is higher than if I was at home cooking or planning ahead and packing food to take with me to work, or if I am out running errands.? There are insulated lunch boxes and you can put freezer packs in or simply ice in a Ziploc bag to keep items cold.?? Restaurant and fast-food fare tends to be higher in calories, fat, and sodium than home cooking. ??I have chosen to make cooking a priority. It?s one of the best things I can do for my weight. I am not saying I never eat out.? I do but I try to choose simply prepared foods, such as salads with grilled chicken and steamed or sauteed veggies, with an oil and vinegar based dressing on the side.

8. Skipping Exercise

I KNOW I KNOW when I don?t exercise, I don?t burn extra calories. I think skipping workouts hurts me in another way: I am more likely to give into temptation. Fight back:Exercising is the most difficult thing for me to remain consistent with.? Simply put? I don?t like it.? But I know I have to do it. I do have to MAKE myself do it.? It?s probably the area that I am the weakest in.? Those of you who live near the Wellness Center at WMC?? USE IT!? There are so many varieties of exercise options available to you.? I hate that I live 100 miles from Winchester or else I would definitely take classes and change up my routine every 90 days with a different class!? ?

Someone told me the other day that I made WLS look easy.? I told them the weight loss surgery was EASY.? I didn?t have to perform it.? But the complete lifestyle change I had to adopt has been anything BUT easy.? I work at it daily.? Some days I am successful and other days? not so much.? But each day is a new day and I wake up with a clean slate to make better choices.? No, the lifestyle change hasn?t been easy but the rewards have been so worth it!

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