Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Living Your Best Life - Cornerstone Personal Fitness

Gym Memberships vs. Living Your Best Life

Anyone who knows me or has read my blog knows I?m not a fan of gyms and fitness centers; especially the big ones and for very legit reasons. ?I truly believe there is too much information out there that backs up my belief that gyms and fitness centers are no longer the standard for helping people live their best life. ?I recently read one more newspaper article that adds to that list of support. ?I found several statements extremely interesting in the article written by Deb Schleede on March 14, 2012 in the Rochester, NY newspaper.


Only 16 percent of Americans had memberships to a health and fitness center as of September 2011, according to a quarterly report from the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association.
Frequently cited reasons include costs, motivation, and sometimes even a dislike of fitness machines. Gym memberships can easily hit $100 per month or more for a family.
There are plenty of alternative fitness options out there that might appeal to your brain and your wallet.


Having worked for one of the largest fitness companies in Sacramento, I learned very early on their mantra was ?get as much money from the member as you possibly can?. ?When I started veering away from the gym equipment and focusing on Functional Fitness including SAQ, Plyometrics and other non-machine strategies, I was actually told by my fitness manager the company ?does not want that type of client in their gym?. ?As I?m sure you are, I too was completely dumbfounded by that statement. ?I was told the gym spent all that money on machines and they want the members to use them.


On top of that, the huge majority of gym members aren?t aware that personal trainers at gyms work under a quota system. ?They have minimum amounts of sales they must meet every month and if they don?t, their job is in jeopardy. ?The turnover rate for personal trainers at gyms and fitness centers is staggering. ?Knowing this brings one critical point to light. ?Too many personal trainers in gyms, for the sake of keeping their jobs, are forced to focus much much more on the members money instead of the members health and fitness goals. ?This became one of many factors behind my starting Cornerstone Personal Fitness here in Sacramento.


Always remember this! ?Gyms and fitness centers are companies out to make a profit and a very big profit at that. ?You the member are a needed entity for them to make that profit. ?If you get health and fit while contributing to that profit then great, but if not, they are truly ok with that because the profit is much more important than you are. ?As harsh as that may sound, it really is the truth.


What sets ?most? private personal trainers apart from the gyms and fitness centers is their sincere love for and honest desire to help their clients reach their health and fitness goals and be able to live the very best life possible. ? We know that without our clients we wouldn?t exist or be able to do what we sincerely love to do. ?Cornerstone Personal Fitness was built on this philosophy and refuses to stray away from it. ?In being completely honest, I know all too well there are some very dishonest private personal trainers out there as well as very inexperienced trainers and that reinforces the need for you to ask a lot of questions during your search for a trainer. ?Just one of the advantages of working with private personal trainers is that you only pay for the services you want with no membership fees or monthly dues. ?We here at Cornerstone Personal Fitness actually build our health and fitness programs from scratch for every single client. ?No two people are the same, nor do they have the very same goals. ?Therefore, a cookie-cutter program just won?t work!


At Cornerstone, whether you?re just looking for a great Boot Camp program or individual personal training or other service, that?s all you?re going to pay for and we?re one of the least expensive programs in Sacramento. ?You get great, results oriented programs that don?t empty your wallet. ?Contact me today for a free ?no pressure? consultation. ?You want to live your absolute best life and we?re here to help you achieve that goal!

Source: http://www.cornerstonepersonalfitness.com/gym-memberships-vs-living-your-best-life/

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