Sunday, November 27, 2011

FAQ - Auto Insurance

For those who must commute to school or work, vehicle related expenses are a necessary expense. Everyone wants to find a cheap auto insurance quote and save money! Besides the initial cost of the vehicle, drivers must continually pay for car maintenance, gasoline, and perhaps the highest expense, auto insurance. Compare auto insurance by entering your ZIP code into our FREE comparison tool!

car insurance agentMost states require drivers to carry some level of liability insurance, and if your vehicle is financed it is likely the financing company requires collision and comprehensive insurance that will pay for repair costs should the car become damaged in an accident.

Handing over hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars each year for car insurance might be hard to swallow; but the expense is really one that will protect you financially in the event of an accident. There are some strategies, however, to help keep the cost of insurance down. Comparing quotes from several different auto insurance companies has the potential to save you hundreds of dollars per year depending on your unique situation.

How Often Should You Compare?

Calling your auto insurance company, visiting their website or utilizing our online auto insurance comparison tool to compare auto insurance quotes and check to see if you are getting the best possible price is generally a very quick and easy process. It is a good idea to review your auto insurance policy and comparison shop yearly.

  1. Each year just prior to renewal, take the time to gather some cheap auto insurance quotes and decide whether you will renew with your current company or switch to a new, cheaper provider.
  2. Keep in mind, however, that it is not necessary to wait until renewal time to switch insurance. If you find a better rate you can switch over immediately and cancel with your current company. Your current insurance company will charge you just for the time you have been insured that policy period and will refund you any amount you have already paid for in that period that you will not be using.

There is no reason to wait if you can get a better rate immediately, and no reason to stay with a more expensive company if you can get the same coverage elsewhere for lees money.

What to Pay Attention to While Comparing Rates

Regularly comparing auto insurance rates to get the best possible price is important; but there are some important points to keep in mind while shopping around.

  1. Be sure to include your current company in your search. The company might have come out with new discounts, or recent changes in your life might qualify you for new discounts your current company already offers. Inquiring with your current insurer about any additional discounts available to you could yield significant savings without even needing to switch insurance companies.
  2. Make sure you are comparing apples to apples. In other words, be sure all quotes include the same coverage levels, deductibles and special features to give you a fair comparison. Utilizing an insurance comparison website can help here since users typically choose which coverage levels and features they want and the website does the leg work in obtaining several comparable quotes.

Comparing several companies in one step is an efficient way to make sure you end up with the least expensive appropriate option.

cheap car insurance quoteWhy Take the Time and Effort to Shop Around

Even with tools out there to make comparing auto insurance rates a pretty quick and easy process; you might still be questioning whether taking time out to regularly compare auto insurance quotes and possibly switch auto insurance companies is really worth it.

Consider the many factors that go into determining an individual?s auto insurance rate and the potential savings you can realize by comparing auto insurance quotes.

Auto insurance rates and typically known to drop when a driver turns twenty five. Other factors like the state you live in and your driving record will also come into play; but if you have recently turned 25 it is a good idea to do an auto insurance rate comparison.

Large families with several drivers must pay more to insure several vehicles, but are also afforded the opportunity to save even bigger by comparing cheap auto insurance rates. Provided all of the drivers have a good driving record, switching to a cheaper auto insurance company can save a family like this hundreds of dollars per year.

Other factors that determine the auto insurance rates you receive like your credit rating can change. If you have made changes recently like paying off high credit card balances or taking other steps to improve your credit rating, it might be time to compare auto insurance rates since you might now have access to significantly lower rates.

Auto insurance rates and auto insurance discounts are always changing. This is another reason it is important to regularly compare auto insurance quotes. A change in your state?s laws or additional discounts added by a company can mean a significant amount of savings for those who take the time to shop around.

Transportation costs are an important and often large area of a family or individual?s budget. Just like you probably shopped around and compared prices and quality when shopping for a vehicle; you must comparison shop for auto insurance.

Taking the time to regularly review your insurance needs and personal situation, and to compare rates from several companies will help ensure that you are always getting the best auto insurance rates and the most appropriate coverage. Enter your ZIP code below and allow us to do handle the auto insurance comparison process for FREE!


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