Monday, October 15, 2012

Crowd Funding Makes Big Bucks! | WomensRadio

About Pat Lynch

In 1969 at the age of 25, Pat Lynch, having already served as the Press Secretary for a U.S. Senator and Congressman, founded her first advertising agency in Atlanta, Georgia. Ms. Lynch was the first woman to begin an advertising agency single-handedly in the South. By 1977, she had been listed twice in The World?s Who?s Who of Women and most recently in the International Who?s Who and Strathmore?s Who?s Who.

In 1996, she began Women?s Online Media and Education Network (W.O.M.E.N.) which produces WomensRadio, in order to ?give women a greater voice!? WomensRadio, a converging medium, had its beginning on the Web as a rich, content Website for women leaders. In 2001, her company also began WomensCalendar. Today it is the largest databank of women?s events in the world, #1 in all the major search engines and reaching hundreds of thousands of women leaders each week. In the summer of 2004, the company launched the SpeakerSpot, a dynamic speaker referral program which can be accessed by meeting planners internationally. In 2005, the company introduced a new audio production tool for the Web, AudioAcrobat?, that is now the state-of-the-art, audio and video production, streaming and Podcasting Web-based media tool. This service helps everyone to have audio and/or video streaming in their emails and on their Websites. It is the tool of choice for hundreds of broadcasting professionals who want to have their long-form programs included, both at WomensRadio and the new WomensRadio Channel, a syndicated 24/7 all talk Web radio for women. During her years as the founder and CEO of her own advertising marketing company in Atlanta, she and her agency gained a reputation for introducing media, particularly radio and television, to industries which had never considered them to deliver their advertising messages. One such industry was residential real estate (including both rentals and sales). Pat Lynch also contributes her time and experience to many not-for-profits. When the City of Atlanta had experienced a season of multiple killings of young people, a time when the economy was also in a slump, the city was looking for a number of ways to create community and give kids at risk a brighter outlook. She volunteered her time and helped to create the largest party for young people that has ever been conducted. With only three months to pull together all the details, ?It?s Time,? was an all-day event hosting some 10,000 kids in Piedmont Park, the largest park in the city. All the transportation to the event, all the food, all the cooks and servers, all the entertainment, all the prizes, everything ? was provided for free! Mayor Andrew Young and Gerri Elder, Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs, created a special plaque of appreciation which was presented to Ms. Lynch for her work in creating and conducting this event. She has also worked tirelessly for other not-for-profits, largely in the area of publicity and/or fund-raising for such organizations as Cerebral Palsy Foundation, Muscular Dystrophy, American Heart Association. While residing in California, she served on the boards of the Fresno, CA Court School PTA as President, Fresno Habitat for Humanity and the Fresno Ballet where she helped to raise funds to produce the first new Nutcracker in over 20 years. In the Bay Area, she served as the Media Chair for the California Women?s Agenda, was a member of the Women?s Leadership Alliance of the Bay Area, and was on the Board of Directors of the Afghan Coalition and Afghan Women?s Association International. She is a frequent speaker on the value of opening the media to women?s voices and creating new communication bridges to the future. To inquire about having her as a speaker for your event, please call (888) 658-4635. Pat is also the Host of Speak Up! on WomensRadio. Speak Up! invites women, and also men, who ?speak? to women in terms of their values, their goals and their strong sense of community, to address issues, opportunities and successes that need to be heard by a larger audience of women leaders.Web | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | More Posts (578)


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Paid Incentives To Relocate to Chattanooga ? New Careers, Jobs ...

Incentives to Move to Chattanooga: ?Geek Move?

The City of Chattanooga is anxious to increase its population and workforce by attracting individuals trained to work in various technologies. With the help of the Lyndhurst Foundation, Chattanooga has revitalized eight neighborhoods to accept new residents and businesses in addition to new small and large businesses that have made the city their home. For instance, Volkswagen invested $1 Billion in order to open a new plant in town to become their North American Manufacturing Headquarters. New businesses need additional technologists and technicians.

Learn more and apply for relocation packages at the link enclosed here:

via Paid Incentives To Relocate ? Attractions, Jobs, and Life In Tech Savvy Chattanooga TN.

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5 Lies People Who Pay For Sex Tell Themselves | World of ...

This guest article from YourTango was written by Teresa Maples.

A recent study published by Christine Milrod and co-author Ronald Weitzer analyzes 2,442 postings written by people who pay for sex on an online discussion board that reviews sex providers and their services. Approximately one-third of the posts discussed emotional intimacy between?sex workers?and their clients.

Many of the people who paid for sex expressed a desire to grow their relationships beyond the sex act and develop feelings and mutual love with the person. So what kinds of things do people who pay for sex tell themselves?

5 Ways People Who Pay For Sex Lie To Themselves

1. ?I?m not doing anything wrong.??

The responders make excuses and do not obey the law. These comments were posted by people who are paying for sex. These people are a sub group of the population who are engaging in illegal activity. From a societal view, those who act outside the norms and rules of the society are not the norm for the culture.

Those who engage in paying for sex are breaking the law. Many of the people who engage in prostitution are also involved in a primary relationship like marriage or are living together. Usually, there is a social contract between the two people to be there for each other. In paying for sex, they are breaking this contract as well. In many ways, they are committing relational violence in their primary relationship. 22 Ways Couples Can Overcome Infidelity

2. ?This could turn into a real relationship.??

The responders think they are getting a real relationship,?but they are really seeking instant gratification. In one survey, 32% of customers arrested for soliciting a?prostitute?said they bought sex because they ?didn?t have time? for a conventional relationship. 28% did not want ?the responsibilities? of a relationship, and 18% said they would ?rather have sex with a prostitute than have a conventional relationship with a woman.?

In other words, 78% of the people paying for sex did not want to bother with a ?real? relationship and would rather pay for sex.? An unspoken message here is that the transaction between the sex worker and the client is about money and control. The client is paying to have sex acts done to him, which help feed his fantasies. He gets to call the shots. The sex worker is providing a service to get paid.

3. ?I just do it for the thrill.??

The responders say they are seeking the thrill, but they may be setting themselves up for a full blown sexual addiction. Biologically, people who seek intensity and thrill by engaging in a sex acts are programming their brains to seek greater and greater thrills to get the same effect. The engagement of risky behavior leads to more risky behavior. Many of the responders might experience anxiety and withdrawal symptoms if they chose to stop paying for sex. 7 Signs Your Partner Is A Sex Addict

4. ?I think I might love them.??

But really, the responders could be acting out their fantasies.?They could be?imagining they have a ?feelings of love? for the sex worker. Even in ?real? relationships there is an aspect of projecting what you want onto the other person. It makes sense that someone who pays a ?repeat? sex worker could imagine he has a ?real relationship? with her. I wonder what would happen if he stopped paying?

5. ?I derserve it.??

The responders have a sense of entitlement. In other words they are saying, ?I want sex a certain way and I deserve to get it.??While we are pre-programmed by design as humans to propagate the earth, similar to animals. We also have the ability to think and feel. Yes someone can pay for sex and feel momentarily satisfied; however, in my opinion they are depriving themselves the joy of true authentic?emotional connection?with a real person based on mutuality for the long term.

If you have paid sex workers and have tried to stop and keep going back to it, seek professional help. You can overcome this behavior. There is a way out. You can click on any of the links to contact?Sex Addicts Anonymous(SAA),?Sexaholics Anonymous(SA),?Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous(SLAA),?Prodigals, Inc.,?PureDesire,? help.

How do you get love and emotional intimacy?

It all begins with a commitment to being the healthiest you can be, from the inside out. Learn to love all the parts of yourself even the places that hurt or feel shameful. Healthy sexuality between two people, involves vulnerability and safety in the relationship. Both partners are attached to one another physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

This model of relationship mutually benefits each partner. It takes work and time to develop emotional intimacy, and it also requires delayed gratification. By learning how to be a safe person emotionally with a chosen safe person, you can develop a more complex positive response system that is stable and sustainable over time. Choose wisely. Why Do Married Men Pay For Sex?

Teresa Maples MS is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor?in Washington State. Connect with me for more information about healing from those things that get in the way of living life to its fullest. ?


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????Last reviewed: By John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on 13 Oct 2012
????Published on All rights reserved.

APA Reference
Experts, Y. (2012). 5 Lies People Who Pay For Sex Tell Themselves. Psych Central. Retrieved on October 15, 2012, from



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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Gmail App for Android Features Long-Awaited Updates [VIDEO]


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Why You Need Car Insurance ? Chocolate and Chard

Auto Insurance Easton Pa There are more cars and drivers hitting the road every year. With so many cars on the road, accidents will happen. The difference between a minor bother and major pain can be car insurance. But why do you need insurance and just how much should you buy? Coverage requirements vary by state/province but usually include the following: Liability pays for damages due to bodily injury and property damage to others for which you are responsible. Bodily injury damages include medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. Property damage includes damaged property and loss of use of property. If you are sued, it also pays your defense and court costs. State laws usually mandate minimum amounts, but higher amounts are available and usually recommended. Personal injury protection: This is required in some states and is optional in others. It pays you or your passengers for medical treatment resulting from a crash, regardless of who may have been at fault, and is often called no-fault coverage. It may also cover lost earnings, replacement of services and funeral expenses. State law usually sets minimum amounts. Medical payments: This coverage is available states that are not considered no-fault; it pays despite who may have been at fault. It pays for an insured person?s reasonable and necessary medical and funeral expenses for bodily injury from an accident. Collision: This pays for damage to your car caused by a collision. Comprehensive: Applies if your car is stolen or damaged by causes other than collision, including fire, wind, hail, flood or vandalism. Uninsured motorist: This pays for damages when an insured person is injured in a crash caused by another person who does not have liability insurance or by a person who cannot be identified (usually a hit-and-run driver). Under-insured motorist: This pays for damages when an insured person is injured in a crash caused by another person who does not have enough liability insurance to cover the full amount of the damages. Other coverage, such as emergency road service and car rental, is also available.What you pay for auto insurance varies by company and will depend on several factors, including: * What coverage you select * The make and model of the car you drive * Your driving record * Your age, sex and marital status and * Where you live Many people think of auto insurance as a necessary evil, but it can save your financial well-being. Evaluate your needs, research your options and with the support of your insurance agent choose the option that best suits you. Vehicle Insurance Info

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Apple gets OK to use Swiss railway clock design

ZURICH (Reuters) - Apple, sensitive about protecting its own designs, has struck a deal to use Swiss railway operator SBB's trademark station clock design on iPads and iPhones.

SBB, which holds the trademark for a 1944 design by Zurich-born engineer Hans Hilfiker, said last month it might challenge the U.S. company after the clock appeared on a new operating system for the iPad.

"For the use of the clockface on certain Apple devices such as iPads and iPhones, the parties have negotiated an arrangement that enables Apple to use the SBB station clock under a license agreement," SBB said on Friday.

The cost of the licensing fee and further detail of the agreement will remain confidential.

"It is a design icon that has obviously lost none of its appeal in the digital age," the SBB said. "Even now, it symbolizes the innovation and reliability that are key qualities attributed to both SBB and Switzerland as a whole."

Hilfiker designed the minimalist clock to help travelers check the time at a distance while hurrying to catch trains.

In 1953, he added a red second hand in the shape of a railway guard's signaling disc, which pauses briefly at the top of each minute "to enable trains to depart punctually", as he put it.

Mondaine Group, the company that has held the license since 1986 to make clocks and wristwatches for consumers based on the design classic, said it was not involved in the SBB deal.

"As an exclusive licensee, we are surprised to hear about the licensing agreement between SBB and Apple," Ronnie Bernheim, the company's co-owner, told Reuters, but declined to say whether he would take any further action.

The Design Museum in London and the Museum of Modern Art in New York both included Hilfiker's clock among examples of outstanding 20th-century design.

Apple won a sweeping legal victory in August when a U.S. jury found Samsung Electronics had copied critical features of the iPad and iPhone.

(Reporting by Emma Thomasson; Editing by Dan Lalor and Jane Merriman)


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Video: Congressional rivals get feisty in verbal exchange

>>> provide enough fireworks, check out this moment from the congressional campaign trail in california last night where rival democratic congressman bradsherman and howard berman nearly turned verbal sparring into hand-to-hand combat. sherman put his arm around rival representative berman an yanked him to his chest and challenged him to a fight saying, quote, do you want to get into this? a police officer actually had to jump in there and separate the two. it's 7:17 right now. back to savannah, al and matt. where is the civility?

>> our democracy at work. and they are in the same party, right?

>> exactly the thriller in manila though.

>> exactly.

>> you want a piece of this? come on.


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Jimmy John's plans to leave state of Illinois | Chicago Business ...

There are many reasons that a business will decide to make a city or state its home. One of those reasons is the corporate tax rate in the state. The changes in the tax rate can be the reason why a company chooses a location or decides to move it elsewhere.

A company that has called Illinois its home for some time recently announced its plant to move a portion of the business to Florida. The licensing department of Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches will make the move after the first of the year. The owner indicated that the remaining parts of the company will also likely be moved in years to come.

The owner has not been shy in sharing what has prompted the move. The business man said he sought residency in the southern state several years ago after Governor Pat Quinn increased the corporate tax rate. At that time it was raised 2 percentage points from 3 percent to 5 percent.

While the corporate tax rate of a state is certainly one consideration for a business owner who is deciding where a company should be based, it is not the only factor. While the current corporate tax rate may be a drawback for potential businesses, there are other things in the state of Illinois that could make it appealing for some. Our last post highlighted just one of those factors. As regular readers of this blog are likely aware, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has undertaken multiple incentivizing programs.

Source: 89 WLS, "Jimmy John's. Fresh. Fast. Out of Illinois," Sept. 27, 2012


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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Baby Shower Giveaway: CVS Brand Diapers & Wipes :: Southern ...

I think you all probably know by now that I love shopping for deals at CVS Pharmacy! ?They have everything you could need from makeup, to medication, to milk? and even everything you need for your baby.

CVS Pharmacy sent us some of their CVS brand diapers and wipes to try! The diapers have some new upgrades, too including improved leakage protection, new contoured fit, softer, stretchable tabs, and smart-fit size indicator on the diaper. ?They also send me some of their wipes to try out, and they?re just as great as any of the national brands! ?All of the CVS brand products can be found at your local CVS, or bought on where you can find great savings while you shop for Extra Care Deals!

The Giveaway:

CVS is giving 5 Southern Savers readers the following CVS Brand baby items:

CVS Brand Diapers
CVS Soft Cloths Unscented
CVS Baby Wipes
CVS Hand and Face Wipes
CVS Toddler Fresh

To Enter:

You have a couple of ways to enter, feel free to do as many as you?d like:

1. Leave a comment below telling me which of the CVS brand items you can?t live without for your little one.
2. Like Southern Savers and CVS on Facebook and leave a comment below telling me you have.
3. Follow Southern Savers and CVS on Twitter and let me know in a comment below that you are.

Psst! ?Tune in on Monday for a fun giveaway from our friends at Hungry Jack!


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Nielsen says 51.4 million watch VP debate

NEW YORK (AP) ? Paul Ryan debating Joe Biden wasn't quite the same television draw as Sarah Palin versus Biden was four years ago.

An estimated 51.4 million people watched Ryan, the Republican challenger, debate Vice President Biden, a Democrat, on Thursday night, said Nielsen, the company that measures television audiences.

Four years ago, just under 70 million people watched Palin debate Biden. But that was unusual; it was a debate that had more viewers than even any presidential contest dating back to 1992.

Excluding 2008, the Biden-Ryan debate had a larger audience than any other vice presidential debate since George Bush was matched up with Geraldine Ferraro in 1984, Nielsen said.

Last week, an estimated 67 million TV viewers saw President Barack Obama in his first debate against Mitt Romney. The two men debate again next week.

More people saw the vice presidential debate on Fox News Channel than any other network. It had an estimated 10.02 million viewers, CBS had 8.31 million, ABC had 8.29 million, NBC had 7.85 million, Fox broadcasting had 5.05 million, MSNBC had 4.38 million, CNN had 4.15 million and PBS had 2 million, Nielsen said.


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Differential Diagnosis Projects by 2nd Year PT Students | Evidence ...

Often teaching a topic helps you to understand more of the aspects of the topic. With this in mind, PT students at the end of their second year were tasked to develop a website that allows them to explore an area of personal interest within differential diagnosis and expand it into a format that will teach others. The intention of this webpage design is to post it on the A.T Still Memorial Library webpage ( as a resource for classmates and clinicians to utilize for assistance in differentially diagnosing a patient. Students worked in small groups with each student contributing equally to the web design in researching the topic and creating the webpage. The webpage had to include a mindmap and 2 videos that the students created that was relevant to the topic. Check out the topics and feel free to send me a comment.

John Heick, PT, DPT, OCS
Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy
Board Certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist
A.T. Still University
Arizona School of Health Science
5850 East Still Circle
Mesa, AZ 85206


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Friday, October 12, 2012

Two new games hit the Tegra Zone -- Sumioni and Razor Salvation

Tegra Zone

If you've got a Tegra 3 device, like the Nexus 7, there are two great new games available -- Sumioni and Razor Salvation. Both are Tegra 3 optimized, meaning that the gameplay, textures and physics will be killer, When developers get together with Nvidia to build these Tegra-optimized apps, the experience goes beyond what anyone expects on a mobile device.

We've got our hands on the apps, and will be giving them a solid look in the next few days, but in the meantime hit the jump to see some screenshots and descriptions. And of course, the download links.

read more


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Tonight, on the iMore show...!

The iMore show returns tonight to with all the iPhone 5, iPad mini, and iOS 6 talk that's unfit to print. (Which is pretty much why we just say it out loud.) Got a question you want answered? Leave it in the comments below, send it to, or tweet it to us with #imoreshow. Got it? Good! Join us LIVE at 6pm PT, 9pm ET, 2am BST. Set an alarm. Bookmark this page. Be here.

Want to go full screen? Head to Want to watch via iPhone or iPad? Grab the Ustream app and search for "mobilenations"!


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Foreclosures Fall to 5-Year Low | AOL Real Estate

By Les Christie

NEW YORK -- The wave of foreclosures hitting the nation's housing market has been much less severe than anticipated, with foreclosure filings at their lowest level in five years last month, according to a report out Thursday.

Foreclosure filings -- including default notices, scheduled auctions and bank repossessions -- were reported on 180,427 properties in September, a 7 percent decline from August and down more than 16 percent from a year earlier, according to a report released Thursday by RealtyTrac, an online marketer of foreclosed properties. That's the lowest number of filings since September 2007.

"[Foreclosures are] making little noise in the housing market -- at least on a national level," said Daren Blomquist, RealtyTrac's vice president.

Blomquist had been waiting for another wave of foreclosures to hit the housing market ever since the $25 billion mortgage settlement was reached in April.

'A Much More Managed Flow'

Lenders put the brakes on many foreclosures as their procedures were put under the microscope after the robo-signing scandal came to light in September 2010. The mortgage settlement had cleared the way for them to proceed again by laying out clear guidelines on how they could pursue borrowers who had missed payments and clear their backlogs of delinquent loans.

As a result, Blomquist and other industry experts expected the market to be flooded with repossessions. "That's not the way it's playing out," he said. "It has been a much more managed flow."

The decline in foreclosures has been especially steep lately in states like California and Texas, in which foreclosures do not go through the courts. In these "non-judicial" states, foreclosures were handled relatively quickly once the banks started to process foreclosures again. In judicial states where the courts are involved, like Florida, Illinois, New York and New Jersey, the banks have been careful to make sure that all their paperwork is complete and accurate which has slowed the process significantly.

Part of the reason for the overall improvement is that the government's and the banks' efforts to prevent homeowners from falling into foreclosure have taken hold. The government-sponsored Home Affordable Modification Program has helped more than a million borrowers obtain more affordable mortgages.

Banks, too, are looking for ways to keep delinquent borrowers from falling into foreclosure, opting to either refinance their loans or agreeing to more short sales in which the lender agrees to a sales price that is less than what is owed on the mortgage. Lenders prefer short sales over foreclosures because they lose less money on the transactions and they involve fewer legal costs and other expenses.

Fewer Job Losses, Fewer Defaults

Record low mortgage rates have also helped struggling borrowers hold onto their homes, said Mike Larson, an analyst with Weiss Research. Many borrowers have refinanced their mortgages to lower rates and sharply reduced their payments, helping them to avoid default, he said. The improving economy has also meant fewer job losses.

"That takes some pressure off," said Larson. "Fewer people are falling behind on their loans."

As a result, the number of distressed properties that threaten to come onto the market is starting to shrink, and Blomquist expects fewer bank repossessions going forward. Foreclosure starts, homes in the first stage of the foreclosure process, were down 15 percent in September compared with 12 months earlier.

"Foreclosures are still a headache, but they're less of a headache than they were," added Larson.

See more on CNNMoney:
Housing Recovery Finally Here
Inside One of America's Largest Homes
America's Best Places to Live

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

National Secular Society - Michael Gove wants to intervene in legal ...

Education Secretary Michael Gove has applied to intervene in a judicial review considering the legality of a new Catholic school proposed for the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames.

The case has been brought by Richmond Inclusive Schools Campaign (Risc) supported by the British Humanist Association and argues that Richmond Council failed to comply with new legislation that requires an authority to invite proposals for an academy if a new school is needed.

The council insists that it carried out its legal obligations properly and that its decisions about the new school were lawful. Michael Gove agrees with the council and seeks to make his case to the court.

He said when a local authority is considering a proposal for a new school it is not under a duty to invite proposals for an academy before lawfully being able to approve the proposal.

Despite objections from the local community, the council's cabinet in May agreed the Clifden Road site should be used for a five-form Catholic secondary school and a one form Catholic primary school, and approved proposals for two new voluntary aided schools from the Diocese of Westminster.

In a statement, Lord True, leader of the council, directly addressed the chairman of Richmond Inclusive Schools Campaign, Jeremy Rodell. He said: "It is high time Mr Rodell showed some appreciation of the worries of those parents. In the light of this development, he should now tell his national leaders in the BHA to stop using Richmond children as playthings in their ideological campaign to stop church schools."

Mr Rodell said: "People can draw their own conclusions from the aggressive tone of Lord True's statement. Unfortunately, much of what he says is simply untrue or misleading. The impression is that he does not really care whether the council has acted unlawfully or not, provided he gets his own way. We have no plans to abandon the case. It is the council that has failed to compromise."

Lord True is a trustee of the Sir Harold Hood Charitable Trust, the stated aim of which is "to benefit Roman Catholic Charitable purposes".


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Icona Pop's ?We Got The World?: Hear Their Latest Pop Banger ...

Swedish too-cool-for-school pop duo?Icona Pop?s upcoming Iconic EP was already shaping up to be an absolute monster, with rollicking lead single??I Love It??and electro track ?Ready For The Weekend.? Now another track from the upcoming EP has debuted, and it might be their strongest to date ? an uptempo dance track with pummeling house beats that has shades of Calvin Harris,?plus Robyn at her most euphorically carefree. If ?I Love It? didn?t quite cross over to mainstream, ?We Got the World? has definite hit potential.

?They say ?You?re a freak? when we?re having fun / Say ?You must be high? when we?re spreading love / But we?re just living life and we?ll never stop / We got the world, we got the world,? the girls sing over a coruscating house track. It?s an explosive pop single that shows why these Swedes are one of the most hotly tipped new groups of the year. Listen to the new track after the jump.


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Monday, October 1, 2012

Open thread: Ann Romney, hell to pay and the GOP's racist id

What's coming up on Sunday Kos ...

  • Hell to Pay: Payback's a bitch, by Kaili Joy Gray
  • Is Romney a felon? A Q&A with MoveOn?s lawyer, by Adam B
  • As the Romney campaign unskews, will the GOP's racist id take over, by Armando
  • Trashing experience and skill is just one more weapon in the war on workers, by Laura Clawson
  • Unscrewed : How 5th grade political science analysis became a GOP article of faith, by Steve Singiser
  • Welcome to the culture war against teachers, coming to a theater near you, by Laura Clawson

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